Information originated from formal media tend to be not a hundred percent objective, since a lot of "influences" from certain "players" might skew the information. Our study focused on gathering information from tweets to answer this issue since they tend to be "purer". Twitter, as one of the most emerging social media since 2006, has shown to be appealing in the term of data analytic. We conducted text mining, sentiment analysis in particular, on tweets from February to May 2014 to get information on how people react to certain event, the Crimean crisis in Ukraine in particular. We found that most of the people tend to show negative attitude towards the Crimean crisis, whether regarding the policies, the action taken, or the event itself. In a more general perspective, we found that changes in total tweets in particular time affect the average user polarity, i.e. declining in our case.
File signature analysis is one of the important phase during digital forensic process, in which we can identify if the collected multimedia file was on-device created or obtained from application or elsewhere. The increased usage of the Smartphones due to computing capabilities, connecting to the internet which can transfer huge amount of multimedia files, make from the Smartphones rich source of evidence. This paper focused on analysis of multimedia files through investigating file signatures and related metadata created on the most popular Smartphones iPhone 5, Blackberry Z10 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Lenovo A536, in order to defined on-device multimedia files or downloaded from application, furthermore the paper identified whether multimedia files original or edited through device for iPhone 5 Blackberry Z10 and Lenovo A536.
The recent alarming situation emerged as a result of the tragic cyber-attacks has threatened the security of most nation countries. Some of the dangerous malware, such as stuxnet, mariposa and Zeus have infected millions of computers in more than 192 countries. Malware analysis and fingerprinting for the purpose of detecting and mitigating malicious activities have been focused in most studies. This study investigates and analyzes malware behavior using passive DNS data collected from honeypot, installed at a local internet service provider. The presented approach is designed to help system administrators and security analyst in filtering DNS data, analyzing domains and IPs, government entities as well as other stakeholders for the purpose of mitigating cyber-threats. The experiments on real-life network traffic indicate the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed approach.
Cryptographers use Substitution Boxes (SBoxes) in order to provide non-linearity in their designs of cryptographic primitives such as Block Ciphers and Hash Functions. Some cryptographic primitives use bijective SBoxes as in the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and some uses surjective SBoxes as in the Data Encryption Standard (DES). Thus, their SBoxes have inputs and outputs of the same length; 8 bits as in the case in AES or alternatively their input length is larger than its output length; 6 input bits to 4 output bits as in the case of DES. In this paper, we analyze the Linear and Differential properties of such commonly used SBoxes which are randomly generated. This shows that the most probable type of SBoxes can have certain Linear and Differential properties. It also shows that certain types of SBoxes with specific Linear and Differential Properties are impossible to obtain.
A plethora of games exist nowadays for a variety of Android open source devices and the number of their users is increasing day after day. The majority of these users are unaware of the security threats these games may have. In this work, we study the security risks associated to the permissions the Android games require at the installation time (e.g. access to WiFi, contact list, camera). We focus on Android Free game applications' offered in Google Play. Our study covers a sample of 600 games, for which we investigate the percentage of most requested permissions. Our preliminary findings indicate that "full internet access" is the most requested permission from all the six game categories we examined. Moreover, 60% of the requested permissions are high risk permissions. These results clearly call for more attention in managing permissions' usage in android games and applications, to secure these applications from malicious intents.
WhatsApp messengers is a gold mine for forensics examiners given the information obtained when analyzing its database. The authors of this paper aim to demonstrate an aspect of Mobile Forensic and show how to acquire the entire messages, images and videos from two different platforms (Android and iOS). Using this data, a brief profiling of the smartphone owner was conducted to illustrate how the information obtained can be utilized in an investigation.
The Gulf Cooperation Council was established on May 26, 1981. Until recently the Council has been criticized for its lack of cooperation and failed initiatives when it comes to security matters. This paper looks into the Gulf Cooperation Council's purpose, its role as a security organization, analyze the roles it has undertaken during since the formation of the Council, the current state of the Council and where it is expected the GCC's path will lead.
his paper will assess the relationship between the critical infrastructure and the national security and to understand the key criteria to identify and protect this infrastructure. Its also summaries the findings and recommendations based on literature review.
Nuclear power or "acquiring the bomb" is an important aspect of contemporary international relations. Waltz, one of the leading neorealists believes that a bipolar system maintained a world peace for the longest period, because each super power will fear retaliation and consequences of going into direct conflict with the opponent. Thus, this will maintain stability and peace. It is widely believed that their nuclear weapon race played a big role in maintaining this stability.instability explained basically by the drop of the bombs over Japan had devastating effect. The aftermath of Japan bombing clearly shows the dangers and destructions that come out of nuclear weapons. This research will argue weather stability would be achieved by acquiring nuclear weapons or prohibiting them.
Increasing requests for the world growing populations, civil disturbance, terrorist attacks, human errors, natural disasters ... all these issues pose additional consequences for the future is full of desires in relation to the energy industry.