The narratives of enslaved African American Muslims originate between 1734 and 1867. Even though some scholars recognize similarities between narratives by enslaved non-Muslim and Muslim African Americans, the latter have not been included in the American canon. This paper aims to review critical approaches of canonization and advance the argument for including narratives of enslaved African American Muslims in the American canon. The inclusion of Muslim narratives would reflect the American multiethnic nature and provide new literary perspectives on the study of the slave narrative. It also would highlight the contribution of enslaved African American Muslims in the American literary history.
The UAE, one of the most rapidly developing countries, has been known for its wide cultural diversity and its ability to preserve its past while working towards the future. The interest in global expansion had attracted different international organizations, each carrying its own culture. The key success was to understand the different cultures. For that, this research focused on creating a cultural model consisting of ten cultural dimensions based on past research. The model was tested against the existing culture of the UAE through a survey constructed and distributed to employees of different age, gender, working sector and residency years. From the results, a cultural profile for the UAE was created showing the similarities and differences in behavior of the local culture against other regional nationalities. All individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, showed a behavioral change directed towards a common base and influenced by the local culture.
This paper explores the different aspects of the planning system of Sharjah City. It uses the limited available publications and manuals that are dedicated for this field of study. Due to the fact that there is a lack of educational materials and resources that are directed to emphasize the systematic developing approach of the city of Sharjah, the challenge in writing this paper was the limited resources. This made the surveys and interviews to be the most reliable pillars to lean on. The main purpose of writing such a paper was the clear intention for the city to have a published paper that will guide the interested individuals into the whole planning system in Sharjah. Multiple interviews were taken place with different employees in different expertise and departments, in both "Sharjah Urban Planning Council" known as SUPC and "Directorate of Town Planning and Survey in Sharjah" known as DTPS.
Families of disabled children need psychosocial support to provide their children with better care. An exploratory descriptive research, using a mixed-method (qualitative and quantitative model) was used to explore the current situation of these families and the hospital social workers' support to them. Results revealed that these families face hardships on the psychological, social and financial levels, yet there is lack of formal support despite the families' desire to have more social services such as counseling, referral to support groups, home visits, and respite care. So far, there is no hospital service dedicated to families of disabled children in the UAE. Theoretically, having a hospital family support center that provides counseling, referral to community organizations, and facilitation of support groups can empower these families and help improve their quality of life.
This paper presents the energy and exergy analysis of the variable refrigerant flow air conditioning systems. The performance of this system is assessed among other conventional systems. Mathematical and thermodynamic modelling of the system is done on engineering equation solver (EES) software. Experimental verification of the models is to be carried on the VRF system that will be implemented in Masdar City Eco-Villa located in Abu Dhabi.
A 2D model was implemented to investigate the dynamic behavior of liquid water droplets emerging from the gas diffusion layer (GDL) into the cathode flow channel of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell using the volume of fluid method and porous model. Numerical simulations with conclusive validations were performed by varying two critical parameters; temperature and permeability of the porous region, representing the GDL. The results demonstrate how diffusion of air through the GDL is affected by the development stages of the water bubble in the flow channel. The water bubble deformation is reduced by the temperature increase, which increases the air mass flow rate through the GDL layer during the early stages of the water bubble development; with the reverse effect in the later stages. Furthermore, an increase in the permeability of the GDL causes less flooding of the flow channel.
304 stainless steel is the common material that make up of large-size thin-wall container such as oil storage tank. It is necessary to perform the research on mechanical properties of 304 stainless steel after oil storage tank is subjected to fire accident. In this paper, tensile behavior of 304 stainless steel under elevated temperature is studied. The variance in Young's modulus, yield stress and tensile strength with the change in temperature is revealed. The relationship between these mechanical quantities and temperature is represented by using least square fitting method.
This research study aims to explore and investigate several forms of advanced architectural multiphase composites using additive manufacturing technology (3D printing) in an attempt to provide a thorough experimental analysis of their effective mechanical performance under uniaxial compressive loading. The composites under study are constructed using the novel mathematically-known triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS) which are used as 3D reinforcements within a matrix, creating new interpenetrating phase composites (IPCs). The architecture of the TPMS structure and their respective volume fractions significantly affect the effective mechanical properties of the IPCs under study. Such composites can be effectively used in damage-tolerant structural systems.
Dust devil vortices are the atmospheric vortices, frequently observed in dessert environment. This paper initially provides a review of the methods used by researchers to extend the understanding of dust devil vortices. Researchers performed field observations, laboratory modeling, and numerical simulations for lab-scale and dustdevil scale. These studies were focused on the investigation of general characteristics of terrestrial dust devils, such as velocity, temperature fields, dust lifting capabilities and electrostatic behavior. This paper however includes the results from a numerical model of a lab apparatus that mimics dust devil vortices. Moreover the ability of this numerical model to incorporate physical conditions of Martian surface is exploited to make a comparison between terrestrial and Martian dust devil vortices. It was found that in similar conditions Martian dust devil would be stronger than terrestrial dust devil in absence of dust.
Noise emissions from the auto mobiles have always been a hurdle in making pollutionfree environment. Ever increasing focus on noise reduction and relevant regulations have compelled the automotive firms to reduce the engine noise. The main parameter which determines the noise reduction capability and effectiveness of the muffler is Transmission Loss. In order to achieve good Transmission Loss, reactive type mufflers with perforations have proved to be very effective in damping sound. In this study a reactive muffler was designed in 3D using CAD software and effect of different parameters on performance of muffler were investigated numerically. Transmission loss which determines the attenuation of power intensity of sound, were analysed using COMSOL .Since sound enters the muffler at inlet temperature depending on the exhaust gases of engine, therefore effect of different inlet temperature on performance of muffler and determination of Eigen frequency of muffler have also been included in analysis