This paper aims to analyze the implications of carbonate cyclicity, with various degrees of heterogeneity, on the areal/vertical sweep efficiency of water-flood projects. The area where the model was built pertains to Thamama-B reservoir in X-field. With the assistance of high resolution mechanistic static and dynamic models, the project also investigated the impact of various reservoir descriptions and multiple well completions, involving vertical and horizontal wells, on the overall sweep efficiency and recovery factor. Detailed geostatistical models of the petrophysical properties were built, capturing the small scale sedimentary and diagenetic cycles, including the dense stylolitic intervals. The mechanistic model, based on real field data, comprised of a crestal Oil-producer and a downflank water-injector, with different completion strategies. The conclusion of this work showed that to achieve a higher recovery factor it is not enough to change the injection fluid or the displacement efficiency mechanism. The completion strategy is equally important
Global prices of oil have continued to fall over the last few months. The trend has left observers confused about the longevity of decline in light of the insistence of some major oil-producing countries, such as Saudi Arabia, of maintaining their production ceiling. The phenomenon raises questions about the impact of the decline on countries that are highly dependent on oil revenues in their annual budgets, including Arab countries that do not garner enough revenue from other investment sectors or alternative fuels. Above all, what are the causes for this decline in oil prices? This paper addresses the impact of drop in oil prices on the short- and long-term economic growth of the GCC. The paper highlights the political and economic causes that triggered the decline in oil prices and the consequences of price drop on the oil producing and importing countries.
Women make up a little over half the World's population. However, their contribution to measured economic growth is far below its potential, with serious macroeconomic consequences. In Arab countries, women work predominantly in the public sector, mostly in the education and health sectors. The recent pro-democracy movement originated in Arab countries highlighted the need for many political and economic reforms. The continuation of high unemployment among women increases the foundational imbalance in regards to social justice, which creates an Environment conducive to social conflict and political instability. The importance of human resources, especially youth and women must be invested in building the economy. As a form of cultural diplomacy,UAE can provide a vital platform for the transferal of its development views and leadership experiences to female Arab leaders. Such cultural entails the Emirati government taking action to help the other women to follow and apply the Emirati Women model.
Slave narrative as a genre became popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. Many African Muslims who were enslaved in the Americas wrote autobiographies, diaries, letters, plantation records and other such documents. Compared with slave narrators such as Frederick Douglass or Harriet Jacobs, literary scholars have long marginalized African American Muslim slave such as Omar Ibn Said, Abu Bakr al- Siddiq, Abdul al-Rahman Ibrahim.This paper aims to review the important sources in the field and discuss the issue of inclusion of these narratives, in particular Omar's narrative, in the American canon. The addition of Muslim narratives would provide a complete and more scholarly picture about slaves and their writings. It would also highlight the possible influences of these Muslim slaves on other African American writers. This merits investigation because Muslim slaves were literate prior to their enslavement unlike their African American counterparts.
This study described principals' communication styles and investigated their relationships to school performance in Al Ain city government schools in the UAE. Data were collected through a questionnaire of 50 items. Six hundred sixty seven male and female staff out of a total population of 2240 staff in 40 schools responded to the questionnaire. Then, semi-structured phone interviews with 11 participants were conducted to collect qualitative data. The results showed that principals in Al Ain schools are almost always expressive in their communication. They almost never act aggressively or use moodiness or threat in their communication. The results showed also that participants attributed high performance to the principal's supportiveness style. When the school was used as the unit of analysis, the preciseness style of the principal had the highest correlation coefficient with high performance. Finally, the study found that styles of moodiness and threat were correlated negatively with school performance.
This study will examine which of the three main types of leadership (transformational, transactional, and avoidant) is mostly followed by Emirati managers inside one public organisation in the UAE by using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire developed by Bass and Avolio (1990) and re-examined by Avolio, Bass, and Jung (1999.This paper documents that Emirati leaders were dominantly transformational.It also finds that they contribute in transactional and avoidant components of their management style. The researcher concludes that transactional style was followed in order to meet quick deadlines and to be able to deal with the stress and daily workload, by helping the team focus on accomplishing specified goals without failure.In light of these findings, the researcher recommends that management inside public organisation should provide a more relaxed environment and give reasonable time to the tasks accomplishment in order to reduce the stress and workload. Recommendations and future research is also discussed.
In 1997, Scotland asked its citizens: Do you agree that there should be a Scottish Parliament? Their response was overwhelmingly ? yes. Subsequently, in 1998 Westminster passed the Scotland Act, creating the Scottish Parliament. The next fifteen years were cornerstone to the evolution of Scottish elections. Within the bounds of devolution, great strides were made in improving Scottish elections. This included the creation of the Electoral Management Board (EMB) for Scotland in 2008. This analysis explores how, in a six year period, the EMB Scotland grew from budding electoral advisory board to chief operator and statutory power for the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum. This assessment follows the United Nation's Development Programme's (UNDP) model on Capacity Notes and organizes data, reports, interviews, and recorded activities from three stages: Pre-referendum period, referendum period, and Post-referendum period to assess the capacity of the EMB for Scotland and its administration of the Independence Referendum.
This work mainly consists of CFD modeling of cocurrent gas-liquid flow in Trickle Bed Reactors (TBR) which has variety of applications in petroleum refining industry. Traditionally, TBRs are modeled in CFD with 3D geometry which is computationally intensive and very costly. This study incorporates simpler, quick and cost effective method of 1D/2D CFD modeling to predict pressure drop and liquid holdup in TBR. The objectives of the study include CFD analysis of hydrodynamics of multiphase flow across TBR and comparison of experimental observations with that of CFD models. In order to predict the liquid holdup and pressure drop inside reactor under different operating conditions, CFD analysis of the multiphase flow across fixed bed reactor have been performed. First, different CFD models were prepared and validated with experimental results in Ansys Fluent 14.0. Then the comparative analysis of these models is presented where their advantages, limitations and applications have been explored.
In this paper, extensions of the ZM model [1] are proposed to account for irreversible plastic deformations and asymmetry between tension and compression response of Fe-based shape memory alloys. The procedure casts mainly within the framework of generalized standard materials with internal constraints For the time being, only the mathematical model is described. Numerical and experimental results will be detailed in future work.
The use of adhesive materials in assembling some aircraft structural components, e.g. spoilers, is increasing in the aerospace industry, since it reduces the overall weight of the aircraft and maintains the strength of the component, unlike other joining techniques, e.g. bolts and rivets. Therefore, researchers and engineers became more interested in solving for stresses of the bond-line regions using analytical and numerical techniques, e.g. Finite Element Analysis (FEA). This will enable them to report the stress values at these critical regions during the design process and/or in the stress justification reports for the manufactured part. In this paper, both analytical and FEA were conducted. Hart- Smith model was used in the analytical analysis, while NASTRAN Sol 400 (Implicit nonlinear Analysis) was used in the 2D FEA. The analytical and FE results were in a good correlation in predicting the maximum and average shear stresses.